Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Demons and Angels

Last week David and Jo, visual artists from Sydney and Henrik and I went to see Demons and Angels, the most insightful exhibition I have been to in my life. I will never forget the work I saw that day. I wish so many people could see the work in the space it is exhibited, with the sounds and smells there. It was haunting. But the next closest thing I can do it post some photos.
‘When this young boy and his brothers were small their mother used to starve them, leave them in the house and disappear. The neighbours opened the cat flap and threw cupcakes in. Despite the abuse, the neglect, and the abandonment, the parent remains deeply loved. It’s a paradoxical position to be so profoundly in need and dependent upon the very person who is abusing you. The rolling pin can make cake, but it can also batter to draw blood. This is their mother all in one.’

I left the exhibit feeling really strongly about not walking away and not doing anything in response to this work. I am learning so much from the inspiring kids I am documenting through ELEVEN. I am excited to be giving them a voice. In different ways we can all do something to help make kids lives happier/safer etc. I do not want to sound preachy and list ways! But, have a think, please. I admire people who work hard with kids, and persist despite how emotional this kind of work must be.
David wanted to support the artists and buy these chairs but his suitcase back to Sydney wouldnt allow it!
I had a really happy childhood, lots of freedom and creativity, gorgeous dogs, a big park, food on the table, room to play and rest. I have read about London gangs and attacks on youth here and after seeing an exhibit like this, it does not suprise me that kids are leaving their family unit in search of another one, in the form of gangs. Words cannot describe the work or the effect it can have, but here is some info about the Kids Company.
Considering how many talented artists, be it filmmakers, writers, actors, vjs, dancers etc I know back home, I would really like to help offer more art therapy services to kids in Australia. If you are interested in helping in any way at all please let me know. I was a kid with real people in my life regularly that I looked up to, but I can only begin to think how it must feel if your only idols are in magazines or tv.

As the rolling pin work explains

The rolling pin can make cake, but it can also batter to draw blood. This is their mother all in one.
It is obviously not just physical abuse that traumatises these kids.

Kids Company

“Love is all it takes”

Kids Company is a charity founded by Camila Batmanghelidjh in 1996 which offers practical, emotional and educational support to vulnerable inner city children and young people. The services offered are holistic, child-centred and multi-disciplinary.

In 2006, Kids Company supported over 11,000 children and young people through a range of services which are based on therapeutic principles. Many of those who come to us suffer significant mental health and emotional difficulties due to experiences of neglect and sexual, physical or emotional abuse. We aim to provide an environment where relationships of empathy and attachment can be fostered between children and trusted adults.

Over the past 10 years, Kids Company has helped transform the lives of thousands of children and young people. We believe that all children and young people deserve to be loved and cared.

We aim to return to children their childhood.

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