Sunday, August 12, 2007

Aindrias De Staic - A Must At Edinburgh Fest 07

Edinburgh Festival is massive, huge, colourful, overwhelming and full of beans. Much like Irish musician/performer/writer Aindrias De Staic who has done festival goers the world of good by bringing his sell out show Around the World on 80 Quid - Journey of a travelling fiddler, to this years Edinburgh fest. Despite there being more than enough to choose from in this massive festival, I highly recommend a dose of De Staic because I can honestly say he is an infectious performer, one you will want to, and should meet after the show. Aindrias performed to rowdy and excited crowds in Melbourne and I don't want to give anything away other than to say, boy does this boy know how to play a box. His memorable and hypnotic eye and jaw movements when playing the fiddle reminds me that this man is truly doing what he was put on earth to do, be it at Edinburgh fringe, Prague, Galway Arts or Melbourne Fringe where he performs next month. Go see him, he is a gem. Other super gems to note are Irish man David O'Doherty, fellow Melbournians Lawrence Leung and Andy McClelland who all have exceptionally addictive giggles too. They will make you squeel. Go! Enjoy!

1 comment: said...

great to see Aindrias in your blog...I'm his dad...I remember when he was 2 or maybe 3 years old, sitting on a kid's chair with my mandoline and he singing some composition of his own...he was mesmerizing, even as a toddler.